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Build Muscle Sculpt Body Buttock Toning Reduce Fat Body Shaping Ems Muscle Stimulator Electroestimulador Muscular Gym Equipment
How It Works
It utilizes High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic technology to cause deep muscle stimulation. A single operation session induces 20,000 muscle contractions. All this is done without any effort on your part. This is basically a mini MRI machine that uses therapeutic levels of magnetic fields.
What Does It Do
♥ Reduce fat by 30%;
♥ Increase muscle by 25%;
♥ Improve muscle separation (Diastasis Recti) by 19%
up to 35 BMI;
♥ Additionally, the radio frequency tightens the skin;
♥♥♥ If you only want to gain muscle without losing fat, this machine can be programmed to do just that! Because this technology is more advanced, it will help you achieve better results. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or both, this machine will help you achieve your body sculpting goals.
It is a multi-functional body shaping and muscle-building instrument. It is suitable for slimming, shaping, gaining muscle, dissolving fat, exercising vest lines, and raising hips, good for health.
Machine Display
92% of people say feeling strong and powerful is important to them.
It is the only procedure which helps patients build muscle and sculpt the body.